
Welcome to this site which is bespoke to the manufacturer or customer supplied by Dane Care Ltd, the UK's best woodfloor oil merchant/contractor. The range of products covers floor oils, lyes, stains, lacquers and soaps as well as cleaning accessiories. The majority of products are floor orientated, but other surfaces are also covered in our Guided instructions. All of our systems can be undertaken by an individual, however, if you wish to employ a specialist contractor then do ask and we will undertake to make an introduction. 


Our objectives are:

  • to guide you correctly to the kit of products for the task you face
  • to enable you to make tests before buying by stocking samples from our manufacturers' samples or our own production
  • to make sure full instructions are available in support of the task being undertaken (not just the product)
  • to keep contracting standards to the highest level so work can be undertaken for the most demanding client. We want that their expectations will be exceeded.

There is 20 years of selling and contracting experience behind the advice we offer. Even so, the moment you feel you need more help then do RING. With the full support of our manufacturers, we aim to supply the information and products you need and often a conversation is required to complete this.


With best regards,


Simon Rogers

Dane Care Ltd


More information about our business can be found from www.danecare.co.uk